Monday, October 13, 2008

scent of a man?

as you all know from 'scent of a woman' (the post, not the movie), bacon (or booze)--not jasmine or lily, or kimchi (trust me)--is the scent that reliably attracts man. and, yes, i've tried toting on my person bacon, to no avail (because bacon is very delicious, hence irresistible to even me). but a while back, i discovered an ingenious invention: the bacon mint.

the bacon mint is a 'mint' that tastes and stinks of bacon. i was so taken by this confection that it leapt to mind when i was brainstorming for a friend's birthday gift idea. and it was a huge success (as are all things bacony). but only after he'd consumed half the tin did i realize what i'd done (whereupon i made my hasty exit). the next morning, my theretofore heterosexual friend reported that indeed a man (a star, he effused) literally did pick him up--and take him home. i'd feared repercussions, but my friend sounded more chipper--and gay--than ever. so, today's lesson: be miserly with the bacon mints.