Friday, June 20, 2008

he only wanted erotic mayhem

in response to gabriel's comment on 'the real deal with compatibility,' who thinks he should try reading anais nin with a bad french accent since all else has failed to lead to the 'erotic mayhem' he desires:

gabriel, honey, my point was that UNLESS the guy is reading anais nin with a bad french accent, there is NOT a problem--thus if the guy IS reading anais nin with a bad french accent (gabriel, darling, read: pretentious clown), i could see how even a woman with very low standards might be repulsed.

case in point, WHALES: men, even if they see a string of letters, recognize them as words, and have an adequate understanding of the language, it doesn't mean they can read (make sense of the reading).

gabriel surely has other talents (perhaps knot-tying? i've known many a man who can tie a truly excellent knot), but reading is clearly not his forte.

OH SHIZ! gabriel is swedish. hmm, but the swedish people i've met have had better english than most americans. SO, my conclusion still stands--for being from sweden does not excuse a misconstrue of my blog.

regardless, as an exemplary WHALES, i say this to gabriel:
my tangy little meatball,
sorry; me didn't know english not first language.


Gabriel said...

yeah, thanks honey, i actually did get that. me not know americans unable to appreciate sarcasm! (actually, i did know that, but hope never dies). i figured the only thing less erotic than anaïs nin in bad french was good old walt b in angry german, but perhaps you missed my point because you never experienced the debatable delightness it is to sit for eleven hours with "reflections on the works of nikolai leskov" and try to keep your mind from entering alternative realities. also, if the phrase "erotic mayhem" doesn't ring warning bells in your mind, you're spending too much time pilfering the times online for material and too little actually reading your comments. um, i mean comment.

i do like being referred to as a tangy little meatball though! and at least you didn't use the word "cute"...

d said...

gabriel, can i have a hey hur mar du on your smorgasbord?