Monday, December 8, 2008

WHALES recruiting grounds--i mean, book clubs!

years ago i had a roommate who belonged to a book club. she tried in vain to drag me along. i'd see her toting around bottles of wine and anita diamant and shudder. 'there isn't enough wine...' i'd say to myself. but when i read this article, listening to the complaint that these 'clubs' are still mostly women, often what is discussed are things other than the book (surprise, surprise) and they often turn into drunkfests, i began to reconsider--for they sound like the absolute ideal place for WHALES recruitment. (as i've said, only the celibate have the inclination to read.) drunk+horny+warped sense of own intellect/superiority=the most fervent WHALES!

now, i don't have a lot of free time, certainly not enough to read. but i do think i could join not only one of these groups, but several. you see, i need only one book, and that's how to talk about books you haven't read, an instant classic and of course the book to end all books; it is a masterpiece. housed in the appropriate cover, so as not to offend anyone, it will accompany me as i sit and chat and watch the WHALES numbers rise. incidentally, i'm considering group fees.

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