Saturday, August 23, 2008

crazy like a fox

dear night-owl WHALES, though it be 3am, i have behaved very well tonight, barely finishing my third martini, and getting in at a most respectable 11:20pm. in fact, i was in bed by midnight. (or is this in fact very, very bad behavior? oops.) anyway, what got me out of bed, you ask? seems i went to bed still wearing my glasses. first time i've done that. although, lately, i have been a wee confused. as you know from an earlier post, i lost a shoe a few weeks ago. got into a cab with both shoes, exiting with one. i mistakenly thought we were in the month of july, sent a message referring to this year as 2007, left my apartment in my slippers--on three occasions, and have been making up lies in bars--for no reason (i cut hair! i'm tall!). it all elicits giggles from moi, followed by a 'fuck!' except for the shoe incident--because dammit that was not funny. anyhoo, when i began to worry that perhaps my mind was drifting into crazyland, i asked my friend if i'd seemed strange lately. she said, 'dude, there's a whale on your head.' so...she'd rather talk about my hats.


Gabriel said...

wait... you're NOT tall??

you lying bitch!

d said...

mebbe, mebbe not--but my breasts are HUGE!