Tuesday, August 4, 2009

happy anniversary to me

i wore earplugs to bed the other night because i wanted to sleep as long as humanly possible the following day, which isn't so weird, but i tried eating one of them in my sleep (i awoke when i tasted earplug). i must admit, i had a moment, mid-earplug-chew, of 'oh my god, i'm retarded.' and it elicited memories from last summer--about this time--when i left my apartment wearing slippers, thought it was 2007 and lost my shoe in a taxicab. i recall also spilling soup from a shallow bowl and saying, 'this is a shallow bowl!' (my roommate answered, 'it's a plate.') and it's all made me think...is there, like, a crazy cycle? because then it would totally make sense, and i am pretty much right on schedule, which i guess is good.

it happens to be the first anniversary also of the start of guerre a trois, a fight i started between myself and 3 friends. (yes, i know that makes it quatre, but i didn't count one friend, who is small and impotent. (ms. c scores again, losers!)) the war, incidentally, has recently concluded: the german friend became asian, the other got fat and the small one sobered up and moved in with her parents. (war is never pretty, readers.) and, not uncommon for ferocious warrior-enemies, we don't talk anymore (the fat one calls, but i don't answer). assessing it all now, looks like a victory celebration is in order. (hurray, me!)

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