Thursday, November 27, 2008

many thanks

i spent thanksgiving with my friends 'tardo' and 'jazzy' this year, and the gratitude flowed like water:

me: happy turkey day--thanks so much for having me!

tardo: so good to see you--it's been ages!

jazzy: it
has been a long time, since before my show.

me: whoa, that's right! by the way, how was it?

jazzy: i was awesome.

me: did you play jazz?

jazzy: why do you say that, because i'm black?

me: no. because your name--

jazzy: thanks for reminding me i have a dumbass name.

me: it's not dumbass!

jazzy: it got my ass kicked every day as a kid--

me: that was long ago--

jazzy: are you calling me old? thanks.

me: no! it's just that now you're a big dude and--

jazzy: great, now i'm fat. thanks a lot.

tardo: (to jazzy) oh, pookie. (to me) there's a show on tuesday--come, and bring li'l willy.

jazzy: his name is Little Willy?

tardo: no, he's just got a small pe--

me: thanks, tardo! tell everyone, why don't you?

jazzy: i'm 'everyone'?

tardo: and, what, it's not like you're screwing him anymore.

me: thanks. like i needed the reminder.

tardo: (to jazzy) she hasn't done it in, like, forever.

jazzy: yipes.

tardo: (to jazzy) thank god i have you.

jazzy: (to tardo) ditto.

(tardo and jazzy make out)

me: i brought pie....

(me holds out pie)

tardo and jazzy: (sucking face) thanks....


Unknown said...

that's the most mixed up view of last night ever! i wish i could post a picture here, the one of you all alone speaking to your imaginary friends and two extra plates of food!

d said...

dear 'amanda':
you remember it your way; i'll remember it mine. personally, i think--i mean, i'll guess--that you had way too much kahlua to accurately say one way or the other.
ps i bruised my knees again.

Anonymous said...

dear ms. c,

again, you're alien shapeshifting. it was not i that chug a lugged the bottle of khalua. how many times to i have to tell you i can teach you to spontaneously genuflect without injuring yourself. when will you learn?