Saturday, November 22, 2008

inexplicable optimism

last night, after a grueling workday, i was feeling inexplicably optimistic. dunno why: i was exhausted from my high-stress, executive-type job and have been celibate for years now, and that morning i'd walked in on my old-man flatmate, who stinks of moth balls, sitting in full-lotus position on the living-room floor--naked. even so, i was almost skipping down the street and feeling less and less fatigued with every step-skip. i ran a few spontaneous errands. i met some friends out for a birthday dinner and upon arriving at the table declared: i got a bikini wax--i am feeling VERY OPTIMISTIC!

it made me ask myself, 'are WHALES optimistic? is this (in)consistent with the WHALES philosophy?' then i said, 'that is an excellent, excellent, excellent question.' then: 'wow, me smarter than i thought.'

my quick conclusion? yes, WHALES are optimistic, for optimism and having high/unreasonable expectations and standards are not the same things. and optimism is a fine virtue--i refer you to candide and the teachings of pangloss. um, scratch that. anyhoo, WHALES can be optimistic because dammit i'm president and me say so. (amen.)

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