Saturday, August 8, 2009

carpe diem: purloin the chicken! (or plunder blunder)

carpe diem, readers: that's what they say. so the instant the owner of a rubber chicken turned her head, i filched said chicken. dunno why exactly, but that is the way some successes happen, as my gal sarah famously said: I answered him ‘Yes’ [to 'run as his running mate'] because I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can’t blink, you have to be wired in a way of being so committed to the mission, the mission that we’re can’t blink. and i daresay ex-politico palin would be proud: i did not blink, i was so committed (to the mission) and consequently i surprised myself with victory (or acquiring a thing i never dreamt of owning) and a position i never thought i'd hold (with rubber chicken in my purse at a company cocktail party). of course i would never question the wisdom of nondead fish that go against the flow, because readiness, commitment, not-blinking--all whilst not thinking--are the cornerstones for a proper WHALES. but i wonder if some thought would have been advantageous in this case: while at first i thought to myself, 'i own a rubber chicken!' later that evening the chicken honestly creeped me out.

maybe because it was on my pillow. either way, disappointed and ruing my plunder, i threw the chicken in a corner.

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