Saturday, August 1, 2009

kindle starts a fire (in the loins)

there's a hot debate going on over the value of kindle, amazon's ebook reader, or ereader, or whatever. as you know, i like the book and on occasion, say, when vacationing in remote lands, where there's no tv, cinema or men of acceptable cleanliness, i've been known to read it. so naturally i must weigh in on this kindle thing. i haven't used one, nor have i seen one, but i agree that it will change the face of books, publishing and the universe in general, eliterature in specific. sure, it's easy to dismiss these ewhazitwhozies due to the limited ebooks available, lack or poor quality of pictures/photos and the inability to simply leaf back and forth as i love to do with a paperback (also, i frequent the front and back covers, for clues as to what the hell book is about), not to mention the exorbitant price tag and stupid name, but there's one thing that clinched it for me: no more snickers at my favorite reading material. by the way, the following are (no, really) available in kindle editions (and, as bezos points out, you can read with one hand). i know, i know: i'm a hopeless romantic.

and topping the WHALES reading list:

and not just for us literati, there are practical books some people need read--and would--if none would be the wiser:

in light of all this, i say, the uberjolly bezos is positioned nicely for the hilton prize (if the prize were awarded by pervs).

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