Wednesday, August 12, 2009

science, monkey, chicken know all

hold the phone, readers! after my traumatic yesterday, i took an in-depth and muy scientific mental disorder diagnostic test to find out what, if anything, i had. (i would have put money on korsakoff's.) but the test results were unequivocal and positive: 'You Are Normal. Everyone requires some level of craziness in their lives to keep them sane and you have the perfect amount. Overall, you lead a well-balanced life. Also, you sexy genius!*'

needless to say, hallefuckinglujah! oh, WHALES, it's a wonderful life, is it not? i for one am just glad to have this silliness over and done with. next week will recommence business as usual, addressing the salient issues of the day. in fact, understandably inspired by hardcore science at the moment, i will publish the results of a comprehensive study i conducted last week wherein i observed various groups in their natural surroundings (i.e., at their favorite bars getting shitfaced): navy seals, musicians, foreigners and hobags. i will make sweeping generalizations/conclusions.

speaking of hobags, it's bedtime. ooh and i can't wait to break the news to stuffed monkey and rubber chicken! they've always asserted i was normal.
*added by ms. c.

1 comment:

Rob said...

I believe the DSM IV has a category called "jus' plain crazy."