Tuesday, August 11, 2009

is there a way to deport him? i wonder

readers, it was a sad day in WHALESland. today your president was called a 'freak' and 'weird.' oh, i know the saying ('sticks and stones...'), but these words were, excuse my french, cruel. and i thought to myself: why--why am i a freak, lord? a recent post may have revealed some weirdness, but i explained that (the crazy cycle, duh), so this assault saddened me. and it was not just for myself--but for you, dear readers. dear, sweet, crazy ladies (btw, love you!): what this might do to you. well, i didn't know what effect it would have--but i knew it could not be good for one's self-esteem, following a freak.

but then i realized something: the ASSaulter (emphasis intentional (i am witty freak)) was swedish. that's right, and an obsessive follower of my blog, so what does this say about him (in regard to his offense and myself)? simply, he's jealous. and jealousy is so unbecoming (and starting out as a swede certainly doesn't help). you know, i'm actually surprised i have not faced this sort of insult before now, for there are some men--i'll assume mostly foreign--who fail to grasp that the WHALES mentality may be their only hope.

1 comment:

Gabriel said...

don't shoot the messenger - i just conveyed it from yet another foreigner! (freak)