Monday, August 18, 2008

olympics make me randy!

invariably, the olympics inspire me, and yesterday i went running for the first time since my last olympics. that was a long time ago, especially since the last were in sydney, having skipped the 2004 games.

and i'm going to take this opportunity to preach the word of exercise. i know it's obnoxious when exercise junkies (eg, myself) talk of the importance of getting/staying fit, but i demand you hear me out. well, after my run, i felt more awake, perky, and aroused. this made me curious. so i decided some hardcore scientific research was in order. i found this on 'go ask alice':

exercise leads to the release of endorphins, which leads to a release of hormones that make you horny. Even low-intensity activities, such as yoga or tantra, may do a little somethin' somethin' by increasing blood flow to the genitals, making you randy. Exercise may also offer a lift to men who experience erectile dysfunction (ED), which can be caused by poor blood flow to the pee-pee.
*edited by ms. c.

there you have it. and nothing better contributes to the efforts of a WHALES more than a raging libido.

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